Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

QuickPic Android

*QuickPic 2.2.4 apk* 

Aplikasi image viewer sebagai pengganti stock gallery pada "Android" OS 2.0+. Yang dengan app ini browsing atau melihat photo/gambar menjadi lebih cepat jika dibandingkan dengan stock gallery. 

QuickPic 2.2.4 apk 

Kalau menurut ane pribadi sih app ini layak untuk dijadikan favorit. 

  * Melihat dan slide show dengan qualitas terbaik
  * Speed browsing
  * Include atau exclude folder dalam pen-scan-an
  * Menyembunyikan dan melindungi dengan password pada gambar/photo
  * Play animated GIF
  * Rotate, shrink, crop , set wallpaperDan masih ada beberapa lagi fitur lainnya. 

What's new in this version:
  * Fix: save some rotated pictures failed
  * Fix: don't show thumbnails with ICS option "Don't keep activities"
  * Support X86


Rabu, 18 Juli 2012



Requipments: Android 1.6 and up
Description: FriendCaster Pro - the best Facebook experience on Android devices, with no ads!

 Friendcaster is the #1 third party Facebook app available for Android with over 3,000,000 downloads and thousands of positive reviews.

 Version 5.0 is sporting a beautiful interface, loads of Facebook features and the only real time Facebook notifications available through Google Play. When it comes to getting your Facebook “fix” on Android, Friendcaster is the way to go, and it’s free!

 With Friendcaster we've also put in thousands of hours making the app VERY fast. Tired of waiting on the Facebook app to update? Go with Friendcaster!

 If features are what you're after, we've got em:
 ★ All your favorite Facebook features (status updates, photos, messages, events, groups, checkins, etc)
 ★ Instant real time notifications (much faster than any other Facebook app)
 ★ Full news feed
 ★ Comment, post and like comments
 ★ 5 beautiful themes, and growing!
 ★ Quick access to posting status updates, photos and video
 ★ Quick access to checkins
 ★ Beautiful checkin map of all your nearby friend's locations
 ★ Easily view your news feed based on your Facebook friend lists
 ★ Displays your full size cover photo on the app opening screen
 ★ Support for multiple accounts
 ★ Hi-res photos directly in the news feed
 ★ Quick and easy setup assistant for notifications
 ★ Designed specifically for Android and Ice Cream Sandwich
 ★ And hundreds of additional features throughout the app... give it a try!

 Facebook will never be the same once you've used this app. Keep up with friends and family faster with Friendcaster for Facebook.

 Got a Facebook feature you'd like to see or something you think would make the app better? We listen and respond to your feedback every day in an effort to continue making this the best app available for Facebook on Android.


Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Speedtest.Net Android App

Speedtest.Net Android App adalah software yang digunakan untuk menguji kecepatan koneksi unternet yang digunakan pada perangkat Android Anda. Software ini sangat mudah digunakan, Anda tingga mendownload dan kemudian menginstallnya - buka aplikasi ini - pilih server dan mulailah melakukan testing koneksi.

Prinsip kerja aplikasi ini adalah melakukan proses ping dari klien ke server dan kemudian melakukan kalkulasi pada hasil kecepatan ping tersebut baik secara upload dan download. Selanjutnya Anda bisa mengeksplorasi sendiri cara menggunakannya.

Download: Speedtest.Net Android App

Status: Freeware

Compatibility: Android 1.6 and Up

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

WhatsApp PLUS (Modding)

Bosen dengan tampilan whatsApp agan yang biasa-biasa aja?

Mau tampilan yang beda dari pada yang lain?? MAU BANGET atau MAU AJA?? hehehe...

WhatsApp modding, Download

Nih screenshoot dr hh ane